Nottingham Combination League Information
Beeston Rovers F.C

Beeston Rovers F.C Photo album

Fixture list

Club information


Top Scorer

League Table

League information

Guest Book Page

Beeston Rovers Match report

History of Beeston Rovers F.C

Join us

Welcome to the Nottingham Combination league information page.Here you will find all the information you need from people at the league to detail's of league meeting it can all be found on this page.

  Members of the league and job titles

Notts combination sectary
Mr E Varney
10 Marlock close Fiskerton,Southwell,Notts,NG25 OUB
Will be happy to help any club needing help or info.

Treasurer this is the person that you send your money too when you get a bill from the league.

Mr D Ball
30 Mayfield Drive,Stapleford,NG9 8JG

Registar this is the person you send your signing on form's off too.

Mr J Kirk 16 Forge Avenue,Calverton,Notts,NG14 6HU
Is you need any signing on forms or match report book this is the man to call.

Referees sectary
Mr D Staples 10 Bluebells,Sutton in ashfield,Notts,NG17 5GX
This is the man who sort's the ref's out so if you don't have one ring him and he will do his best to try and help you get one all being well.

Fixture sectary
Mr B Willett 146 Shortwood Avenue Hucknall Notts NG15 6DB
This is the man who does the fixture's so if you have to call a game let him know or even if your trying to pull one in he can help.

Match Reports
Mr J Johnson 32 Dixie Street Jackdale Notts NG16 5JZ
This is the man that you have to send your match reports off too.

Press Officer

 Darren Batchford you can ring your match result's into him on 0115 976 2469 between 2pm-4pm or you can email him at


  League meeting dates The league meeting which all teams are required to attend is held at The Stadium Of Leisure Club

  League meeting date's

Tuesday 14th October 2003
Tuesday 18th November 2003
Tuesday 16th December 2003
Tuesday 13th January 2004
Tuesday 17th Febuary 2004
Tuesday 16th March 2004